This site & me
April 5, 2024 • 594 words • 1.9 Harry Potter pages HP Series has 1,084,170 words across 3407 pages, 318 words per page (reference). • 3 mins
This site
This site represents my digital space, like a digital home, inspired by the early internet where people owned their space rather than merely being tenants to the big digital landlords. Some of the content here is for my own benefit, serving as a creative outlet or a place to explore and immortalize thoughts I find interesting. Other parts, I write with the hope and intention of inspiring others to change the way they look at or interact with the world.
I have many interests, and I don’t want to limit my writing to any subset of them. I will be writing about a variety of topics too long to list here. I will also be posting notes about inspiring material I read, watch, or listen to.
If you want to read more about the journey that led me here, continue reading below.
I am Luis (he/him), born in Madrid in the late 90s and French-educated from the age of 4. Curiosity has been a defining feature of mine since I was very young. I was a quiet yet highly perceptive child, often daydreaming and listening closely to the conversations around me. At age 18, I moved to London, leaving behind a rich network of friends who I called home, despite not having previously anticipated moving away for university.
My search for “home” and my own quest for identity would influence my life choices for the years to come. Lost in the sheer size of London and the challenges of being in a foreign language country as a teen, I navigated life erratically. These years represent exploration and the process of coming of age, shedding my childhood skin and becoming an adult, making many mistakes along the way.
Disappointed at the limited career prospects after the completion of an intellectually stimulatig degree, I pivoted towards data science. I completed a master’s with the goal of landing a corporate data job and achieving financial independence. By coincidence, priviledge and determination I achieved that. In the omission of it, this year I learnt the value of taking care of my mental and physical wellbeing as well as my social health, that is the health of your relationships. My technical skills (see code and statistics) considerably improved which would pay dividends for years to come.
I then left academia with a well-consolidated opinion of the autocratic hierarchies that academic researchers set up, with little to no interest in ever going back. For the next 3.5 years, I worked in data in a corporate environment. With the stability this brought, I rebuilt bits of my life that had been forgotten or destroyed. A certain life event made me reconsider my choices in the midst of these years, marking the beginning of my exit from the corporate world. During this time, I learned about meaningless jobs, social hierarchies upheld by corporate salaries, and how redundant everyday people are to the executive elites. After becoming increasingly politicized, I chose not to split my personal and professional values anymore; I didn’t want to be alienated. I decided I would start devoting myself fully to the healing of others as much as my own. This website is part of both of those efforts.
Looking back, my life has been marked by several cycles of personal reinvention, while some traits have remained. Curiosity and passion have been the driving forces behind my exploration and growth. Care and compassion have been the defining characteristics in my connections with myself, my loved ones, and my view of all people and the natural world.